Titon HRV1.25 Q Plus Eco HMB c/w aura-t Left-Handed

SKU: TP406HMB/544-t

Sale price£1,384.13 inc VAT

Specific Fan Power of 0.53 W/l/s
Thermal Efficiency up to 91%
100mm or 125mm Ø ducting, no adaptors required
Summer Mode

Intelligent frost protection 
Intelligent controller, easy to commission
Fully adjustable boost overrun timer 0-60 minutes 
Volt free switching control
Quick fix mounting bracket
Independent fan adjustment
Intelligent controller, easy to commission
G3 filters as standard, G4 as an option


HRV1.25 Q Plus

The handing of the unit – left or right hand, refers to the side the ducts to/from atmosphere are positioned. i.e. a left hand (LH) unit will have the intake and exhaust ducts to/from atmosphere positioned on the left hand side of the unit and vice versa for the right hand

Extremely low Specific Fan Power of 0.53 W/l/s
Highly efficient heat exchanger; up to 91% 
Accepts 100mm or 125mm diameter ducting, no adaptors required
Intelligent frost protection, stepped reduction of supply air rates prevents HRV unit from freezing
G3 filters as standard, G4 as an option
Fully adjustable boost overrun timer 0-60 minutes; can be used with non-latching (momentary) switches to prevent unit from being accidently left in boost mode
Setback facility to reduce ventilation where local regulations allow
Volt free switching control
Removable airtight filter covers for easy filter maintenance (Standard and Eco models)
Quick fix mounting bracket
Independent fan adjustment
Intelligent controller, quick and easy to commission
Re-usable plastic filter frames

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